(This is not a comic, but an object camp I hosted in 2019! However, the arc includes a lot of context that I personally find important to the overall plot. This will not include art of others' characters. Not all art shown will be from the time I hosted, just of the related arcs.)
Timey's introduction! (June 9 2019.)
Timey introduces the first challenge: going fishing. Timey explains that Metal Straw told them they should eat something other than cookies. (June 11 2019)
Just an update post, but also the first Metal Straw appearance in TFOC! (June 27 2019)
Challenge 2 was just for the contestants to take pictures of themselves. (June 27 2019)
Due to a long-term rivalry with sea turtles- yes, the animal- polar bears were sent to attack Timey and Metal Straw. The third challenge was to make a safe trap for the bears. (July 10 2019)
Timey discusses a three-way tie. Also redesigned. (July 20 2019)
The fourth challege, Boxey is introduced. Timey found Boxey in the woods and decided to take on a parental role. Beep then put him on a rock in the middle of the lake to be saved, as all great parents do. (July 21 2019)
A results post (Aug 4 2019)
Boxey, in his horned form, attempts to eat Metal Straw. Instead of helping, Timey decides this is the perfect opportunity for a sandwich challenge! (Aug 6 2019)
"Oh fridge! It seems that Boxey suddenly has a really big appetite, and if he doesn't get a really good sandwich right now, he will consider voring MS! Oh God! Please make him a really good, amazingly brilliant sandwich! I really don't want him to eat MS! Boxey might choke if he eats a straw!" 10/10 dialogue.
This time, Metal Straw reads the results, apparently not knowing where Timey is. (Aug 25 2019)
"Uuummm... so I'm sure you are all wondering why Timey hasn't been out for a bit. They kinda just…… vanished? I mean, I just woke up and woah, they're gone…. they should be back. eventually… anyways, Timey told me not to do this, but since they're gone, I'll just do it anyways. The elimination um... The results…. let's see uuuh…."
Metal Straw gets a letter from the sea turtles, explaining that Timey was taken by emperor penguins. The challenge is to retrieve Timey. Have some more enthralling dialogue from the event.(Sept 7)
"Okay so I just got a letter. and apparently the sea turtles hired some emperor penguins to freeze Timey in ice at the South Pole! That can't be good! So the challenge is to go get Timey back! Uuuh also theres some helicopter parked somewhere around here that you could use if you want.. to get to the south pole." (Don't ask me how they have a helicopter. I have no idea.)